Micro Needling

“Dermal Needling is quickly becoming the skin rejuvenation modality of choice for many aware aesthetic skin care practitioners around the world.  In the face of so many high profile modalities, such as lasers and other microinjury techniques that can deliver less than optimal results, dermal needling is providing, in many cases, equal or better results with less cost and effort.”  [The concise Guide to Dermal Needling, Dr. Lance Setterfield, MD]

We’re pleased to offer micro needling for our patients using the Eclipse Aesthetics Micropen Elite with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma).  In many cases it can reduce fine line wrinkling and produce more youthful looking skin.   In addition, it is used to improve the appearance of acne scarring, stretch marks, hyper- or hypo-pigmentation, or tattoos.

The Micropen has 12 sterile points which make superficial disturbances to the patient’s skin.   By disturbing the years-old pattern of skin growth, a new, more random pattern of growth is fostered while the skin heals itself.  For an enriched healing process, we add PRP to the skin, multiplying the growth factors to produce youthful looking skin.

This procedure can be applied to:

  • most of the face including the nose,
  • the backs of the hands
  • areas where hair growth has diminished

While we cannot guarantee success of any procedure, we have found many are very happy with the results.  We hope you will be, too!

What is PRP?

Blood is made up of several parts, including blood cells and platelets floating in a liquid called plasma.  Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is your own plasma enriched with your own blood platelets. As a concentrated source of platelets, PRP contains several different growth factors and other cytokines that stimulate healing of soft tissue.  PRP is used by taking the healing elements in your own blood and directing it to areas you want to rejuvenate.

With PRP, this is what to expect:

  1. Numbing cream is applied to the areas to be treated.  It takes about 10 minutes to become effective.  In the meantime,
  2. a tube of blood is drawn from you, then it is put in a centrifuge.  This way your own platelets will be directed to the desired areas for rejuvenation.  Your blood plasma and your platelets, “platelet rich plasma” or “PRP” is saved.  This healing product used is made by your own body.
  3. We coat the treatment area with your PRP, then the Micropen is drawn across the treatment area with overlapping strokes, and special attention paid to problem areas like brown spots, scars, etc.  The Micropen is breaking into the skin and applying the PRP under the surface of the skin.
  4. Afterward, the PRP is left on the skin to allow it to maximize the benefit.  If possible, wait 12 hours or so before washing off any remnants of the PRP.  You will be given some hyaluronic acid serum to apply for comfort.
  5. Note that immediately after the procedure, your skin will likely appear “blotchy”.  This will subside quickly, and will fade in a few days.
  6. Appointments for further treatments should be made.  We recommend 4-6 treatments, spaced about a month apart, for maximum results.  [When treating hair loss or pattern baldness, the sessions are spaced 6-8 weeks apart.]
An acne scarred patient shown before and after Micropen treatments
An acne scarred patient shown before and after Micropen treatments

For more “Before and After” photos, look here.

Eclipse Micropen video: