
Would you like to permanently reduce your “double chin”?  That’s why people use Kybella®.


Excess fat below the chin, also known as submental fat can be “melted” away by use of Kybella®.

Treatment only takes a few minutes.  Commonly patients experience mild pain, swelling and little bruising.  These side effects are temporary and resolve quickly. Kybella® is generally safer than liposuction or other more invasive surgery alternatives and you can continue your normal routine immediately after each treatment.

Kybella® is a synthetic preparation of deoxycholic acid, a naturally-forming substance in the body that helps break down and absorb dietary fat.  When injected into subcutaneous fat under the chin, Kybella® promotes destruction of fat cells.  Once destroyed, those cells are unable to store or accumulate fat, leading to a slimmer jawline.  Safe and effective use of Kybella® for the treatment of subcutaneous fat outside the submental region has not been established and is not recommended. Kybella® is injected into the fat under the chin (no more than 50 injections or 10mL under the skin). Additional Kybella® injections are given 4 weeks or more apart.  We will work with you to decide how many treatments are needed.  Most patients receive between 2- 4 treatments to reach their desired outcome.
